Science is one of the most important academic subjects for students. In junior classes, students learn it in the form of environmental studies whereas, in secondary and senior secondary learning, science has three divisions that are
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
We often hear and read effective tips to study and score well for physics and chemistry studies. Many students keep focusing on physics and chemistry as they are more applicative. But along with this, biology learning is equally important. With the detailed, lengthy lessons and big terms, students find biology lessons and biology exam preparation tough too. Let us discuss some effective tips that students can follow to understand and prepare for biology exams effectively.
Biology exam preparation tips
- Practice diagrams
Along with learning the theory, practicing diagrams to score well in biology exams is very important. In biology exams, students get diagram questions for sure. Many times, we are not able to understand a biological topic by only reading the topic. But when we see and refer to the diagram of that topic, we tend to understand better. The colorful pictures and visuals help us to understand as well as comprehend the biology topics effectively.
Using the best online teacher app students can access several visual diagrams. Also by drawing a diagram along with writing the theory details of the same, students can score more in the exams. For example, along with writing the human digestive system, making a diagram labeling all the parts such as the food pipe, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus will make your answer look more presentable and up to the mark. Learn the diagrams properly, and practice them.
- Practice fragmented learning
Biology lessons are lengthy and detailed. And completing the huge chunks of biology lessons altogether is something quite challenging. Many students keep delaying and procrastinating on their studies. This makes them pile up the lessons. And then they sit for long hours continuously to complete the biology exam syllabus. Must avoid this. And learn in smaller portions every day. Learning in smaller portions is easy. Do this regularly to wind up the syllabus timely and score well in biology exams.
- Use technology
Understanding and focusing on lengthy biology lessons from textbooks become difficult for students. But using the technical resources, this problem can be resolved. Using an online classroom app, students can access several audiovisual tools like educational videos, modules, demonstrations, picture cards, PowerPoint presentations, visual notes, and more. All these technical resources will help students to grab the biology concepts better and quicker. Using these tools, students understand better and quicker.
- Stick to the NCERT textbook
Many students feel that science subjects like biology are complex. They assume that exams will have some complex questions and they must prepare for the exams using some high-level reference guides. By juggling with one complex guide to another, students forget to focus well on their main ncert textbook. And this affects the learning as well as exam preparation of students.
NCERT is the main standard textbook that all students must use for their biology learning. Read all the lessons given in the ncert books thoroughly. Along with that practice, all the questions are given. NCERT biology textbook is more than enough to prepare and score well in the exam. After being effective at ncert, then only proceed for any other study guide.
Tips to follow while attempting the paper
- Time management
To attempt the paper properly, time management is very important. With lengthy five markers and three markers questions to attempt, time management skills are very important. All students firstly, must attempt the questions they know and later think for the ones they are finding difficult to recall. Maintain the right writing speed and focus only on your answer sheet.
- Write neatly
Presentation plays an important role. An untidy paper with cuttings, overwriting, and scribbling can make teachers find checking the paper difficult. This can make students lose marks. All students must write the answers neatly. Leave space after completing every answer. Draw diagrams neatly and make your answer sheet look presentable.
- Draw well-labeled diagrams
In biology exams, along with theory questions, you will be asked to draw diagrams as well. To score well in the biology exam, make sure to draw the diagrams with a pencil and later label it properly and neatly.
All students aim to score well in the biology exams. While some achieve this and some lag behind. And this difference is created because of the learning strategies one follows. By following the above-mentioned tips, students can prepare for biology lessons effectively. We also discussed a few tips that students must keep in mind and follow while attempting the paper. This will help students to score well in biology exams.