Interested in telegram trading signals of an upcoming pump on Binance? One of such options is the Crypto Pump Signals for Binance channel of telegram. It is important to note that these signals contain important information such as the name of the asset, direction, entry point, and the stop loss and take profit levels.
It does not require a preliminary analysis to trade, but you should have access to a broker and a crypto exchange to start trading.
Functionality of the Telegram channel “Crypto pump signals for Binance”
What can you do if you joined to the public channel “Crypto pump signals Binance” but don’t know what type of charts it publishes? Allow me to explain. The Telegram channel’s material is based on images of coin charts in which VIP channel users invested and profited from “pump trading indications.” The charts depict various peaks in digital token values, which are represented by towering green candles.
Following each chart is information on the profit gained by VIP channel subscribers in percent, currency pair, and the period during which this “Pump” happened from the moment the signal was released in the VIP channel, as well as the serial number of the target accomplished.
Following that, an unavoidable snapshot from the VIP channel is shared, demonstrating the “accuracy of the signal data,” which is quite simple to check. This publication contains the time and date when this trade signal was sent.
By following the link to the Binance exchange, you can see when the pump started and when the signal was released. This is where the majority of the work is done. Insider knowledge is, of course, widely spread well before the particular token is pumped. As a consequence, VIP channel members make money by employing this important knowledge for all cryptocurrency traders.
Every 24 hours, data on gains gained via pump signals are provided. Members of the VIP channel earn between 100 and 250 percent of earnings from trade entry prices depending on signals received in the previous 100 hours (i.e., the total profit from all coins participating in the pump). If you want to make genuine money, you need join the VIP channel.
You now understand how the “Crypto Pump Signals for Binance” team’s free and VIP Telegram channels operate. Evidence of a group of investors’ attempts to use bitcoin pump signals has been disclosed.
Basically, the main job is done on the VIP channel, and it is there that members earn money. There is also information regarding coins and at what prices you should acquire them for maximum profit, but we’ll cover that separately.
How to Use the VIP Channel “Binance Crypto Pump Signals”
You’ve previously learnt how to evaluate data in a public channel; now it’s time to familiarise yourself with the VIP channel.
The idea is simple: after acquiring a VIP membership, you will be sent an invitation link to this channel, where you will get daily exclusive knowledge on which digital currency the “Crypto pump signal Binance” trading team will utilise. Consider creating a well-defined work plan.
Signal for the forthcoming POLY pump in collaboration with BTC. To begin, let’s go through the conventions in the “pump signal” message:
1)The first item we notice is the name of the Telegram channel; nothing further is required here.
2) Following that, #POLY/BTC (Binance) – This currency pair will be used to carry out the task; traders will pump POLY against BTC and you will need to purchase POLY. Binance, as everyone knows, is one of the exchanges that carries this currency. Binance offers a direct connection to this trading pair.
3) Buy zone: 1096-1125, where you must buy your coin to benefit from the signal; when the initial objective is met, this price range ensures a profit.
4) Aside from the three major widgets, just one remains: The coin pump goals are targets 1-5, after which it is encouraged to sell a digital token.
For example, if you want to make rapid money, you may sell all of your pre-purchased coins at the value of the first goal. Place sell orders on the following targets and wait if you’re ready to wait for a better chance to earn more.
Crypto signals contain important information, such as asset names, directions, entry points, and stop loss and take profit levels. Trades do not require preliminary analysis, but you need a broker and a crypto exchange to start. Here we briefly discuss all of these. Hopefully it will help you.