Are you looking for some accessories to store foods safely in your fridge?
If you need to access something at the rear end of your refrigerator and it’s out of reach, a beautiful big tray is helpful. The size of the refrigerator you need gets determined by the amount of room and the amount of food and drinks you’ll need to keep cool. The plan of the fridge and how its cover opens, as well as whether it’s dependent toward one side or one side – on the off chance that it’s relied toward one side, you’ll require more rooftop space to open it, and assuming it’s depended on one side, you’ll have to put it where you can get to the bureau. Buy fridge slides that optimize your fridge space and let you store foods safely.
Fridge slide types
Basic slides
Basic type fridge slides perform just what their name implies:
They allow you to move your refrigerator out far enough to reach its contents. The refrigerator slide is mounted in the device, and the bottom part slides down with extenders..
The majority of refrigerator slides are constructed with steel. However, there are also lightweight aluminum variants available. The fridge will be secured on the top by straps that go through holes in the slide’s base and the fridge’s handles.
Features to be considered while buying a fridge slides:
- Dimensions
- Weight
- Carrying capacity
- Kind and quality of sliders
- Ease of use of the opening mechanism
- How does it lock into place when closed
- How does it into place when open
Another thing to think about is whether you want a regular fridge slide with the fridge mounted longitudinally or a sideways fridge slide with the fridge mounted sideways.
Built-in fridge slide
On the other hand, if you plan for a type with a built-in fridge slide can be a fantastic money-saving choice if you’re planning to install a drawer system.
One of the disadvantages of these types of fridge slides is that they are coupled as the drawer cover when extended. It implies that when the fridge slide gets expanded, various items at the back of the car can fall into the drawer. It may also fall behind the fridge. It prevents the fridge slide from shutting again. Of course, the solution is to install a refrigerator barrier.
Tilting fridge slides
Once completely extended, this aluminum fridge slide easily tilts forward. It makes it simple to view what’s in the fridge and, of course, to retrieve or pack anything. The tilt mechanism is assisted by studs, for easy return to the stowed position. The slide automatically locks once put back into the stowed position. If you choose to buy fridge slides, keep in mind that because the fridge gets tilted with the slide. The contents may move around.
Fridge barriers
Fridge barriers are also known as cages. They are an excellent addition to any refrigerator slide as they protect baggage and other items from falling behind the fridge while the drawer gets opened or expanded.
Fridge barriers also allow you to store stuff without any danger. It does not interfere with the fridge’s compressor and condenser, and they let you pack right up to the side of the barrier without fear of it interfering with the fridge’s compressor and condenser. You can even pile up things on top of it.
Research and analyze the types of fridge slides available with their pros and cons. Buy a suitable one that fits your fridge type and enjoy storing the foods safely.