It’s natural to want to scroll social media to catch up with family and friends and watch funny and engaging reels. However, too much screen time is not good for your eyes, brain, and overall health. Too much blue light from screens before bedtime can throw off your natural circadian rhythm that helps your body to naturally fall asleep. Too much screen time can also negatively influence your frontal lobe which is responsible for your changing moods throughout the day.
To be in your best health, besides work-related screen time, it’s best to keep screen time at home to two hours or less. Your spare time should be spent handling household tasks or some other physical activity. Here are a few tips on how to lessen how much you spend on the screen at home and more on productive manners.
When it is time for your entertainment screen time, you can log on to casino777 to enjoy your favorite betting games. Blackjack could be your game if you love the thrill of possibly busting after 21 but hoping that you do not. If you like to lay in wait for a possible surprise, roulette could be the game for you. Remember to have fun and play responsibly!
Set Timers
Designate half hour time periods for your desired screen time activity. One television show is a half hour, which can be a great way to relax after a long day at work. You can alternatively scroll social media or reels for about a half hour and once the timer goes off, immediately log off your phone. If you prefer video games, enjoy your favorite one for no more than 30 minutes then move on to a non-screen time activity.
Plan Activities Outside of the Home
Not to say that you should plan an activity for every day after work, but being home for less time throughout the week means you are not as likely to want to hop on an electronic device. Plan at least one to two fun activities to do after work or on one of your off days. Once you are met up with any of your friends, put your phone on do not disturb so that you are less likely to check it and can be more engaged with the outing that you planned.
Designate An Electronic-Free Zone At Home
If you are in your bedroom or living room, depending on where your television is set up, designate one of these rooms as an electronic-free zone. For best results, having your television in the living room and the bedroom acting as the electronic-free zone can help you get better sleep. When it’s time for bed, you can set your phone across from the room with the\alarms on high so that you can wake up in the morning. Then, relax in bed without looking at the screen so that you can fall asleep faster. Plus, less blue light means that you will have a more restful sleep with less wakings in the middle of the night.
Lessening screen time will enhance your creativity to entertain yourself in other ways than what you watch electronically. You can connect with your inner self as you explore your hobbies and interests by reducing screen time. Good luck on altering screen time habits!